Monday 28 March 2011

A little something for everyone!

Image from:

Hi everyone!

The month's first thursday is about to come again and that means Chorlton Knits at the Battery Park. I have sent a facebook message to people who are group members there, how I would like this blog to be interactive so that everybody can contribute for the content of this blog. It can be anything related to knitting, like research you done, or a project that you are doing, or that you have finished.

It would work that you will write the post and send it to my e-mail: with the images. Title your e-mail as: "BlogPost for Chorlton Knits" or something similar, so I know it's not a virus mail or anything like that. It is up to you how much you want to describe your project, are you just sending an image or just write your thoughts about knitting. It is also up to you if you want your own name to be published with the post, if not, it would be advisable that you use an alias. I will then publish your post in here. It would be fun!

Hopefully there will be a good show up on thursday!

Best regards


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