Wednesday 27 April 2011

Thursday 14 April 2011

Sounds from Another City

Image from

Image from

I hope that many of you are familiar with the festival Sounds From Another City- festival, and if you are not, go google it immediately! It's a local music and art festival taking place in Chapel Street. Lots of new bands all over the UK playing and also some ongoing bands as well. (Ooh I have just seen that Marina and the Diamonds are playing there as well!! That's just too exciting)!

Alongside the music there will be some knitting. Salfords own knitting club, The Kings Arms Knitting Club and the Islington Mill knitting club are organizing a yarn bombing event that takes place on the weekend of the festival.

Here is the project brief:

Take part in this years Sounds From The Other City by

creating a knitted or crocheted Yarn Bomb (Wooly graffiti)

which will be installed at the festival site in Salford, Greater

Manchester UK on the weekend of the 1st May 2011

Please visit the Sounds From The Other City website for more details about the festival:

or join the Facebook group:

This year we are all contributing to the project by knitting and crocheting objects that can be worn as a pin badge.
This may be any form of object, but we are more keen to see things like, flowers, leaves, hearts.. etc etc.

We will be pinning these to ready made knitted strips that will be attached to the lamp posts along Chapel Street.

Festival goers will then we encouraged to take a pin badge from the installation and wear it at their pleasure :o)

You can contribute to our project by attending the kings arms knitting club every monday night , from 7pm.

Or the Islington Mill knitting and crochet club on the 23rd April 2011.

More info will follow shortly...

This project Brief is from the facebook page so for those enthusiastic people that want to take part and follow what's going on with the Sounds from another City Yarnbombing, please join the facebook group.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Just So Festival

There is a couple of new exciting projects going on knitwise and I thought I would share this one today here with you. Last year Artyarn was doing a knitting workshop at the family friendly Just So Festival. This year Artyarn will be going there again, but this time is going to set up a whole installation that hopefully people will get involved beforehand. Here is the brief for the interactive project:

"ArtYarn are very pleased to have been invited to take part in this years amazing family friendly Just So Festival, which will take place in August :o)

After the success of last years knitting circle that was held throughout the whole weekend, this year we will be back with a new participatory project for everyone to get involved in.

We would like to invite knitters, crocheters and other textile-art enthusiasts to create wooly and fabric nature-inspired objects for our installation.

We will be displaying all of the collected artworks on a big Just So! pin cushion sculpture, that will be on display throughout the whole weekend. The sign will be used in future Just So Festival events, so we want to make it extra special!!!

Heres what we want you to make:

Using any form of knitting, crochet and embroidery onto fabric, you could make the following:

  • any type of flower
  • any type of leaf
  • bugs
  • birds
  • butterflies
  • miniature trees
  • miniature wild animals

We would like the art works to be as bright and bold as possible and we would love to show a range of different styles of textile art.
We have a size limit for all art work which is: no bigger than 10 cm in any direction.

You could make your art work, and decorate it from the following materials:
  • wool
  • cotton
  • felt fabrics
  • beads
  • embroidery materials and threads
  • a combination of weather proof materials.
**One thing to note: the installation will be an outdoor piece, so please take this into consideration when choosing your materials, i.e. no paper creations (unless it is made weather proof).

We have a basic diagram of how the sculpture will initially look before your artworks are added to it:"

For more details and info on where to send your art works to, all the project guidelines and for some free patterns and inspiration please visit the project blog :

If you have any further questions please e-mail :

So please go and see the Artyarn Blog and the projects that are going on in Manchester and outside. Would be exciting to see what people get up to!

There is also two books out at the moment what I find highly inspiring and what will be useful for this project:

Images from:

Until the Next Time!!

Best Regards
